Land blessings and ground breaking ceremonies are an important (imperative, for us) part of site preparation for any new construction or landscaping project, as land is a fundamental consideration in our wellness design practice.
Many cultures have a symbiotic relationship with the land; gifts from the earth (including it supporting our residence) are acknowledged and revered, and reciprocated with ceremony, energy, and symbolic gifts in return.
Modern-day Western culture typically, does not. We own, take, break, and strip the land for our benefit. Most often without asking, thanking, or acknowledging how reliant we are on the earth for its support and nourishment, or our predecessors who tended the land for thousands of years.
As you think about conducting a land ceremony, I encourage you to first turn to your own lineage for traditions and practices that are (or were) a part of your ancestral culture. Doing this research can offer much insight into your heritage, and you may find a deep alignment with the tools and techniques.
Please avoid including sacred practices specific to another culture’s spirituality. Learning why they are sacred, if they are meant to be shared, the history of the people and where they are today, is part of tending the land. Be conscious of and respect its original keepers; proceed with sensitivity and empathy.
So.. How can you conduct a land blessing or ground breaking ceremony? It can take many forms depending on your tradition and instinct. Our ceremonies are informed by meditation, shamanic practices and intuition, and have an improvisational nature based on what we feel and hear is needed from the clients and the space.
The fundamental directive is to listen, show respect for the land and the original keepers, convey that you are working with it in harmony rather than trying to dominate, and offer it something in return. Some ideas based on recent ceremonies we’ve held :
- Research : who lived there before, who were the original keepers of the land — understand their history and where they are now. Sit with the harsh reality, and let it mobilize you.
- Donate (time, money, both) to a local or national organization supporting the Indigenous Peoples of your country. If you live in North America, with the exception of reservations, ‘your’ land was taken from them.
- Spend time connecting with the site through meditation and/ or visualization, simply listening for insight or direction.
- Convey your plans for the space through words or visualization— both the energy you wish to cultivate and the physical construction.
- Request the blessing to proceed.*
- Pick an auspicious or meaningful date.
- Acquire/ gather any tools that may be needed. (Usually a tray, candles, incense, sacred objects, natural objects, biodegradable or natural ‘gifts’ to the land, etc)

- Find a spot on the land that feels strong and vibrant (yes — dirt can feel vibrant!), set up a small altar or area to place gifts (incense, sound, water, nourishing soil, love, gratitude).
- Connect with the spirit (essence, energy, etc) of the land and its guardians (past and present), based on your tradition or intuition.
- Convey your plans for the space through words or visualization— both the energy you wish to cultivate and the physical construction.
- Request the blessing to proceed.*
- Clear the land from old/ stuck/ unwanted energy (space clearing) : walk the perimeter with instruments and/or incense, preform energy work, sing, chant etc.
- Gently dig small holes in the ground preparing the land for more invasive work that is to come. Place gifts in the holes, if that aligns.
- Thank the land, and the original keepers and guardians, for their support and protection.
This rarely happens, but if it does, there is a reason. If you sense resistance, take some time to revisit what you are asking, and how you are asking it. Also consider :
- If something is respectfully requested of you, how often do you say no? If so, what is your reasoning?
- Meditating and asking for more information
- Physically inspecting — is there a tree or animal dwelling that needs to be moved? Is there an aspect that would put you or wildlife in danger?
- Does something need to be resolved energetically before work begins? Ask if you can conduct a space clearing, clear, then ask again.
- Is there a better (more sustainable, harmonious, etc) way to complete your project?
- Is the timing rushed? Do the plans feel forced?
- Finding a shamanic or intuitive practitioner who can connect with your land for more information
May we all strive to be humble, conscientious stewards of the land.
#tongvaland #kizhland #wellnessdesign #wellnessrealestate #wellbeingdesign #groundbreaking #landblessing #sitepreperation #landacknowledgment #shamanism #landsteward